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Revelation Questions Chapter
1:1 What do you expect to get out of a study of the Book of Revelation? 1:1 Read Chapter One. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 1:1 Who are the servants the Book is addressed to? 1:1 Is the Book also addressed to the unsaved? 1:1 The events to "shortly take place": do they happen in the time of John or will they happen in the near future? 1:1 How much of Revelation was understand up until recently? 1:1 Who is the angel in verse 1:1? 1:1 Who is the servant John? 1:2 What is the witness that John bore to the word of God and his testimony about Jesus and about all the things he saw? 1:3 What are the blessings for the person that reads aloud this Book and those that hear and keep the words of Revelation? 1:3 How is the time "near" for those who keep the prophecy in this Book? 1:4 John addresses the seven churches in Asia. Why do you think that he waits until verse 1:11 to give the names of these seven churches? 1:4 What is the greeting that John gives to these seven churches? 1:4 Explain the statement: Who is and Who was and Who is to come? 1:4 Who are the Seven Spirits before His throne? Are there other verses in the Bible that discuss the Seven Spirits? 1:5 Describe Jesus' role as the faithful witness. 1:5 Describe Jesus' role as the firstborn from the dead. 1:5 Describe how Jesus rules over the Kings of the earth. 1:5 How much does Jesus love us? 1:5 What does having our sins washed from us by Jesus' blood mean to you? 1:6 How have Christians been made Kings and Priests to God? Do all Christian fulfill this great commission? 1:7 What are the clouds Jesus will return with? 1:7 When will His return take place? 1:7 Who are these that pierced Him? 1:7 When Jesus returns, why will all tribes of the earth mourn because of Him? 1:7 Why does John say Amen? 1:8 What is the significance of Jesus saying that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End? 1:8 Why does Jesus also say that He is the One Who is and Who was and Who is to come? 1:8 What is the significance of Jesus saying that He is The Almighty? 1:9 What does it mean that John is a companion in Tribulation and a brother to those who are addressed? 1:9 Where is the island of Patmos located? 1:9 Why was John exiled to Patmos? 1:10 What was The Lord's Day in the time of John? Is it the same today? 1:10 What does it mean that John was "in the Spirit"? 1:10 What is the significance of a voice sounding like a trumpet? 1:11 Why does Jesus say again that He is the Alpha and Omega and the First and the Last? 1:11 Look up the meanings of the names of the Seven Churches. 1:12 What is the significance of a golden lampstand? Is a golden lampstand mentioned anywhere else in the Bible? 1:13 Who is the Son of Man and why does He stand in the midst of the seven golden lampstands? 1:13 The Son of Man is mentioned in the Book of Daniel. Is there any connection with the actions of the Son of Man in Daniel with the actions of the Son of Man of Revelation? 1:13 Does Jesus also stand in the midst of the churches of today? What will He be observing? 1:13 What is the significance of the garment down to His feet and His wearing a golden band girded around His chest? 1:14 Explain the significance of the head and hair of the Son of Man being white like wool and that His eyes are like a flame of fire. 1:15 Explain the significance of why His feet are like fine brass that are refined in a furnace. 1:15 Explain why His voice is like the sound of many waters. 1:16 Why is He now holding in His right hand seven stars? 1:16 What is the significance of a sharp two-edged sword coming out of His mouth? 1:16 Is it a literal sword or something else? 1:16 What is the significance of His shining like the sun in all its strength? 1:17 John fell down at the feet of Jesus. Was it comforting to John when Jesus placed His right hand on him? 1:17 Why did Jesus say that He was The First and The Last? 1:18 Then Jesus said "I am alive forevermore who once was dead". What should this statement mean to us today? 1:18 What does it mean when Jesus said that He held the keys of Hades and Death? 1:19 Jesus then commands John to write whatever he sees in a book including the things he has just seen, the things he sees now and the things he will see. What might these things be? 1:20 An angel is a messenger. What is the purpose for a "messenger"? 1:20 What are the "seven golden lampstands"? 1:20 Why do you think Jesus reveals the meaning of the seven stars and the seven golden lampstands in 1:20 instead of earlier in 1:12 and 1:16? 1:20 Substitute "angel" for "star" and "church" for "lamp stand" and re-read Chapter One. Do you have a better understanding of this chapter? 1:20 What is the purpose of each of the seven angels of the seven churches? 1:20 Are there any "angels" of the churches of today? If so, what is their purpose? 1:20 Why does Jesus present several ideas in Revelation as "mysteries"? Chapter Two 2:1 Read Chapter Two. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 2:1 Jesus said that there would be tares within the churches (Matthew 13:15). They look and act like Christians, but they are not. Are any of the warnings in Revelation directed towards tares? 2:1 Why does Jesus hold the seven angels of the seven churches in His right hand? 2:1 Why does Jesus walk in the midst of the seven churches? 2:1 Does Jesus walk in the midst of the Christian churches of today? If so, what is He finding? 2:2 List the works of Ephesus and their significance. 2:2 Are those that Ephesus tested that say they are apostles and are not--are these Christian? 2:2 What does it mean: to be an Apostle? Are there any Apostles of today? 2:3 Jesus evaluates their works. Why did Ephesus not become weary when practicing the good works of: patience, perseverance and laboring for Christ's sake? 2:3 Ephesus is faithful to Jesus up to this point. Correct? 2:4 Ephesus has a spiritual flaw: they left their first love. What is this love and why do you think they left this love? 2:5 How far has Ephesus fallen? 2:5 Ephesus is told to repent and do the first works. What are these works? 2:5 Do some Christians of today fall and leave their first love? How can they repent? 2:5 What happens to the Church at Ephesus if Jesus removes their lampstand? 2:5 What happens to any Church of today if its lampstand is removed? 2:6 Who are the Nicolaitans (see the Book of Acts)? 2:6 Ephesus is told that they hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans which Jesus also hates. Is this knowledge counted as overcoming? 2:7 What is the Tree of Life, where is it located? 2:7 What does eating from the Tree of Life do for you? 2:7 Only those that overcome can eat from the Tree of Life. What could happen to a Christian that does not overcome? 2:8 Jesus next speaks to the angel of the Smyrna church. Why did Jesus tell this church that He was dead, but is now alive? 2:8 Research the meaning of the name: Smyrna. 2:8 Why does Jesus repeat that He is the "First and the Last"? 2:9 Jesus knows that this church has been severely tested. What is the Tribulation that this church is undergoing? 2:9 Why does Jesus say that they are poor, but are spiritually rich? 2:9 What is the blasphemy of those that say they are Jews, but are of the synagogue of Satan? Who are these people? 2:10 What is the Crown of Life? 2:10 How can the members of Smyrna receive this crown by overcoming? What do they need to overcome? 2:10 What happens to them if they don't overcome? 2:10 If a member of Smyrna does not overcome, what will happen to them if they do not receive the Crown of Life? 2:10 What are the ten days of tribulation that Smyrna endures? 2:10 The devil throws Smyrna into prison. What might have happened to these Christians? 2:10 Are there any Churches of Smyrna of today? Could extreme persecution arise today in the USA or other countries? 2:11 What is the Second Death (See Revelation 21:8 )? 2:11 Jesus speaks to all of the Churches. If He says those that overcome will not hurt by the second death, what does this mean? 2:11 Since salvation is by grace through faith and experiencing the overcoming of any spiritual deficiencies (overcoming) by a Christian is a good work, does this mean that an unfaithful Christian can experience the second death? 2:12 Jesus next speaks to the angel of the church at Pergamos and states that He has a sharp two-edged sword . What kind of warning is this? 2:13 Of what significance is having Satan's throne at Pergamos? 2:13 What are the works of Pergamos? 2:13 Pergamos holds fast His name. What does this mean? 2:13 Who was Jesus' martyr, Antipas? What happened to him? 2:13 What does it mean to deny Jesus' faith? Jesus states that Pergamos did not deny His faith. 2:14 Who was Balaam? Who was Balak? 2:14 What was the stumbling block that Balaam taught Balak to put before the children of Israel? When did this happen? 2:14 Who in the Church at Pergamos had the doctrine of Balaam? What did they do? 2:15 Some in the Church at Pergamos also hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. How did this sin manifest itself at Pergamos? 2:15 Jesus hates the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. How should Pergamos react to His statement? 2:16 Jesus commands that Pergamos repent. What does it mean that Jesus will fight against those with the doctrine of the Nicolaitans with the sword of His mouth? 2:16 Could there be any Christians within the Pergamos Church that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans? 2:17 Those who overcome will be given hidden manna to eat. What does this mean? 2:17 Those who overcome will also be given a white stone and a new name on the stone. What does this mean? 2:17 What happens to those at Pergamos that do not overcome? 2:18 What is the meaning of the name Thyatira? 2:18 Jesus speaks to the angel of the church at Thyatira. Why does He say that His eyes are like a flame of fire and His feet fine brass? 2:19 Jesus praises the works of the church at Thyatira. Why does He say that the latter works are greater than the first works they accomplish? 2:20 Who is the woman Jezebel who prophecies in the Thyatira Church? 2:20 Find and read the verses in Acts that say that Christians should not commit sexual immortality and eat things sacrificed to idols. 2:20 How does Jezebel beguile Thyatira church members to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols? 2:21 How long does Jesus give Jezebel to repent? Do you think she ever repents? 2:22 What is the sickbed that Jesus casts Jezebel into? Who are the others that Jesus also casts into a sickbed? Could some of these also be Christians? 2:23 Who are the children of Jezebel? Why does Jesus kill her children? 2:23 How does Jesus search the minds and hearts of Thyatira? Does He search the minds and hearts of churches of today? 2:23 What will Jesus give to each of you for rewards? 2:24 Jesus speaks to the rest in Thyatira that have not committed the Jezebel sins that He will not put on them any other burden. What should these faithful believers be doing? 2:25 What does Jesus mean by "holding fast" until He comes? Is this a message for today? 2:26 Jesus tells the overcomers that they should keep his works until the end. What are these works and what is the "end"? 2:26 If they obey, what will they accomplish if He gives then power over the nations? When will this happen? 2:27 Those that overcome will rule the nations with an iron rod. What is this iron rod? How is it related to breaking into pieces the potter's vessels? 2:27 How does church at Thyatira overcome and what will Jesus give them if they do overcome? 2:27 What happens to those that don't overcome? 2:27 Jesus has received rewards from God the Father. Why does He give this honor to the faithful members at Thyatira? 2:28 What is the "morning star" that Jesus will give to His faithful disciples? 2:29 Jesus commands all churches to listen to what the Spirit says to them. Why should everything He says also be heard by every church? Chapter Three 3:1 Read chapter three. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 3:1 Jesus tells the Sardis church that He has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. Why does he say this? 3:1 Why does Jesus say that their reputation is that they are alive, but that they are dead? 3:1 What does it mean to be "dead"? Does it mean to be dead spiritually, or something else? 3:2 What does it mean to be watchful? 3:2 What do they need to strengthen? 3:3 What have they already received and heard? 3:3 How should they hold fast? 3:3 What should their repentance include? 3:3 Why does Jesus say a second time that they will not watch? What should they watch for? 3:3 How could Jesus possibly come upon them as a "thief"? Are there other scripture verses that discuss Jesus coming as a "thief"? 3:3 Why would they not know the hour that He will come upon them? Will other churches know the hour of His return? 3:4 What are defiled garments for a Christian? 3:4 Why do you think that only a few in the Sardis church have undefiled garments? 3:4 What might happen to those in the Sardis Church that have defiled garments? 3:4 What does it mean to walk with Jesus, clothed in white garments? 3:5 What does the Sardis Christian need to overcome so he can wear white garments? 3:5 What happens if he doesn't overcome? 3:5 Find and read verses in the Holy Bible that describe the Book of Life. 3:5 What does it mean to have your name blotted out of the Book of Life? Does this mean to go to hell? 3:5 What is the significance of Jesus confessing the name of an overcomer to God the Father and His angels? 3:6 Do you think that all members of the Church of Sardis will hear what the Spirit says to them? Will the Sardis Church of today hear what the Spirit says? 3:7 Jesus says to the Angel of Philadelphia that He is holy and true. Why does He say this to Philadelphia? 3:7 What is the key of David? 3:7 What does Jesus open and no one closes and closes and no one opens? 3:8 What are the works of Philadelphia that Jesus knows? 3:8 What is the open door that Jesus presents to Philadelphia? 3:8 Why can no one close this open door? Who is He talking about? 3:8 When this open door is closed, why can no one open it? Who is He talking about? 3:8 What is the significance of Philadelphia having little strength? 3:8 What is the word of Jesus and how does Philadelphia keep His word? 3:8 What is the significance of the "name" of Jesus? 3:8 What does it mean that Philadelphia has not denied the name of Jesus? 3:9 Who are these of the synagogue of Satan that say that they are Jews but are not? 3:9 Is there any Christian group that says that they have taken the place of the Jews? 3:9 Jesus will make these Jewish pretenders come and worship before the feet of Philadelphia. Since they worship Jesus, are they Christians? 3:9 Why does Jesus want the Jewish pretenders to know that He loves Philadelphia? 3:10 How did the Philadelphia church persevere? 3:10 What is the hour of trial? Who will be involved in this trial? 3:10 How will Jesus keep the Philadelphia Church from the hour of trial? 3:10 What is the testing that will take place on the earth? 3:10 Who will be tested? 3:11 What is the crown that the Philadelphia church has? 3:11 What might happen to a Philadelphia believer if he allows his crown to be taken away? 3:11 What does the Philadelphia church "have" and how does it hold on to what it has? 3:12 What does it mean that the Philadelphia Christian that overcomes will be made a pillar in the Temple of God? 3:12 What might happen to the Philadelphia Christian that does not overcome? 3:12 Where is New Jerusalem now located? 3:12 What is the significance of having the name of God and the name of New Jerusalem written on the Philadelphia Christian? 3:12 What is Jesus' new name and what is the significance of having His name written on the Philadelphia Christian? 3:13 All churches are commanded to hear what the Spirit says. What has the Spirit said to Philadelphia? 3:14 Who is The Amen that speaks to the Church at Laodicea? 3:14 Why does Jesus say He is the Beginning of the creation of God? 3:14 Is the Amen said to Laodicea any different from the Amen said to the Philadelphia Church? 3:15 Jesus now evaluates the works of Laodicea. What are hot works? What are cold works? Why does Jesus prefer either one of these works? 3:16 What are lukewarm works? Why does Jesus then spit them out of His mouth because of this? 3:17 Why would those of the Laodicea church say that they are rich and need nothing? Is this arrogance? Are they glorifying themselves? Are they monetarily rich? 3:17 Jesus says they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. What does this mean? 3:18 What is the fire Jesus mentions in this verse? 3:18 How can Laodicea buy gold from Jesus that is refined in the fire? 3:18 How will buying this gold from Jesus make them rich? 3:18 What is the nakedness that Laodicea has? 3:18 What are the white garments that they should also buy from Jesus and how do they cover Laodicea's nakedness? 3:18 What is the eye salve that Laodicea Christians should anoint their eyes with? Why would they then see better? 3:19 Since Jesus has just rebuked them and will discipline those He loves how should Laodicea react to this? 3:19 What does Laodicea need to do to repent and be zealous for Jesus? 3:20 Jesus invites them to open their hearts to Him and to enjoy eating supper with Him. Is this an invitation to salvation or to move from their self-centered ways to a Christ-centered way of living and to have fellowship with Him? 3:20 How does Jesus stand and knock at the door to our hearts today? 3:21 How does the church at Laodicea overcome and what will Jesus give them if they do overcome? 3:21 What happens to those that don't overcome? 3:21 What is the significance of an overcoming Laodicean being invited to sit on the throne of Jesus with Him? 3:21 If the other six churches overcome, will they also be invited to sit with Jesus on His throne? 3:21 Can anyone or anything other than a Christian sit with Jesus on His throne? 3:21 How did Jesus overcome and then He sat down with God the Father on His throne? *** Do you know of any Laodicea Churches of today? *** Do you know of any Philadelphia Churches of today? *** Do you know of any Sardis Churches of today? *** Do you know of any Thyatira Churches of today? *** Do you know of any Pergamos Churches of today? *** Do you know of any Smyrna Churches of today? *** Do you know of any Ephesus Churches of today? *** Jesus describes in detail the works of all seven churches: good or bad. Why doesn't He ever mention that those in the churches that are lost need to accept Him as Savior? *** Jesus commands all seven churches to hear what the Spirit says to them. What does this final command to hear mean to you? *** Many preachers and writers say today that all Christians will be taken to Heaven in "The Rapture" and miss all seven years of the Tribulation. If this is true, is there any reason to study the Book of Revelation? *** Read Luke chapter 21 and in particular Luke 21:36. After reading this verse, do you think that all Christians will be taken to Heaven in "The Rapture"? *** The Book of Revelation was sent to all seven churches of the first century. Do you think that all repented of their sins Jesus mentions? Chapter Four 4:1 Read chapter four. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 4:1 John then sees a door opened in Heaven. What does this mean to you? Does this open door fulfill any previous scripture in Revelation? 4:1 Where is Heaven located? 4:1 What is the significance of the sounding of a trumpet? Who was the voice that sounded? 4:1 When will the "things" take place? 4:2 What does it mean to be "in the spirit"? 4:2 Who was sitting on a throne in Heaven? 4:3 What is the significance of a rainbow that is the color of an emerald? 4:4 Who are the 24 elders sitting on their own thrones around the throne with the rainbow around it? 4:4 What is the significance of each wearing a gold crown? 4:5 Why are the seven spirits of God before the throne? 4:5 Why are the seven spirits of God represented here as seven lamps of fire? 4:6 What is the crystal sea before the throne? 4:6 Who are the four living creatures that are in the midst of the throne and around the throne? 4:6 Are the four living creatures angels, Old Testament saints, Christians or something else? 4:6 Are the four living creatures sharing the throne? 4:6 What are the eyes of the four living creatures? What is the significance of having eyes front and back? 4:7 What is the significance that the first living creature was like a lion? 4:7 What is the significance that the second living creature was like a calf? 4:7 What is the significance that the third living creature had the face of a man? 4:7 What is the significance that the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle? 4:8 What is the significance that the four living creatures each had six wings and were full of eyes? 4:8 How did some of the early church fathers identify the four living creatures? Hint: search for writings by St Irenaeus of Lyons, St Augustine of Hippo, and St Jerome. Ma
4:8 What is
the significance of the four living creatures
saying "holy" three times?4:9-4:10 Why did the 24 elders then fall down and cast their thrones before He that sits on the throne? 4:11 What should our response to the praise given to The Lord in this verse? 4:11 What is the significance of the statement that The Lord created all things? Chapter Five 5:1 Read Chapter Five. What is your initial response to it? 5:1 Who is the One that sits on the throne and holds the seven sealed scroll in His hand? 5:1 Before you read any further, what do you think is the significance of the scroll with seven seals in the right hand of He that sits on the throne? 5:2 Why would someone worthy be needed to take, open and read the scroll sealed front and back? 5:3 Why was no one found worthy to take, open and read the scroll? 5:4 Why did John then weep? 5:5 Who is the Person that has prevailed and is found worthy to open the scroll? 5:6 Who is the Lamb that has been slain? 5:6 What is the significance of the Lamb sitting on His throne with the four living creatures in front of the 24 elders? 5:6 What are the seven horns of the Lamb? 5:6 Why are seven eyes of the Lamb associated with the seven spirits of God? 5:6 How are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth? 5:7-8 The Lamb then takes the scroll and the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures fall down before Him. Why do they do this? 5:8 What is the significance of the harps and golden bowls of incense? 5:8 How can a golden bowl hold prayers? Who lifts up the prayers to God? 5:9 What is a new song and what is the meaning of this new song? 5:9 When shall they reign on the earth? How shall they reign? 5:10 It is mentioned again that the four living creatures and 24 elders are made kings and priests to our God. Why do you think that they state this fact after Jesus takes the seven-seal scroll? 5:11-12 John now sees ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of angels around the throne. Perhaps billions. They say that The Lamb is worthy to receive praise and honor and power. Why did they say this now? 5:13 Every creature in Heaven, on the Earth and under the Earth blesses Jesus. Does it even include those that are unsaved, both on the earth and in Hades? Why would the unsaved praise Him? 5:14 Why did the four living creatures and the 24 elders now say "Amen" and then worship Him? Chapter Six 6:1 Read Chapter six. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 6:1 Seal One. Why did one of the four living creatures say "Come and see."? 6:2 A crown was given to a man and he rode out on a white horse holding a bow. Who is this man? 6:2 What countries might he conquer? Are there any Old Testament scripture that might describe these countries? 6:3-4 Seal Two: The second horse is fiery red and war begins. What countries might be involved in this war when many people kill each other? 6:4 How many people do you think might be killed by the "great" sword? 6:5 Seal Three: In the first century and even later, what was the use of a pair of scales? 6:5 What was the significance of a black horse in the first century? 6:6 In the first century, what was a denarius? 6:6 How much will a quart of wheat cost during the Tribulation? How much will three quarts of barley cost? 6:6 What is the significance of the cost of these grains? 6:6 Why did He say do not harm the oil and the wine? 6:6 Is it possible that the high prices of grain might be because of drought or even because of a nation having control over the grain market? 6:6 Compare how the poor and middle class might live during the Tribulation to how the rich live. 6:7-8 Seal Four: What is the significance of a pale horse? 6:8 What does it mean when the rider of the pale horse is called Death? 6:8 What does it means when Hades follows the pale horse? 6:8 How many people of the earth were killed by this rider? 6:8 What circumstance(s) brought about the destruction caused by this seal? 6:8 Explain each component of the destruction of this seal: the sword, hunger and with death. 6:8 Explain how the beasts of the earth might kill many people during Seal four. 6:9 Where is this altar located? 6:9 Seal five is opened. What kind of testimony did those slain whose souls are under the altar have? 6:9 How do you think that these people used the word of God? 6:9 Who are these people? 6:9 These people call The Lamb, Lord. What is the significance of this? 6:10 Why did these people want The Lord to avenge the spilling of their blood? 6:10 Who was responsible for their deaths? 6:11 Why was a white robe given to each of them and what was its significance? 6:11 They were told to rest a little longer. What might happen to their request for justice after this short time interval? 6:11 How long do you think it might be before they are avenged? 6:11 What might be the total number of the faithful that are killed? 6:11 Who are their fellow servants? Who are their brethren? 6:11 How long during the Tribulation might this persecution take place? 6:12 The Sixth Seal is opened. 6:12 How big do you think that the great earthquake was and what part of the earth might it destroy? How big do you think that the great earthquake was and what part of the earth might it destroy? 6:12 Check the Old Testament for verses that predict that the sun becomes black like sackcloth and the moon becomes like blood. 6:12 Was their color caused by the great earthquake? 6:13 What do figs look like? 6:13 What are the stars of Heaven? How could these "stars" fall to earth? 6:13 What is the mighty wind causing the stars (figs) to fall to the earth? 6:14 Explain how the sky could roll up like a scroll? Was this caused by the falling stars? 6:14 Evey mountain and island was moved. Was this every mountain and island on the earth, or only in the seal six country where the stars fell from Heaven? 6:14 Could this movement be the wobbling of the earth (see Isaiah 24:20) as seen by John? 6:15 All over the earth, the great and small, free and slave hide themselves in caves and under rocks. Why would all on the earth do this? 6:16 Why do the people of the earth recognize that this destruction is from Almighty God and The Lamb? 6:16 Why don't they repent? 6:16 What is the "Wrath of The Lord"? 6:16-17 Is this time of the Tribulation the "Day of The Lord" which is stated as a time of wrath of God upon the earth in the Old Testament? (Read Isaiah 2:10-12, 13:6, 13:9; Jeremiah 46:10) 6:17 In Seal Five, God's servants were told to wait a little while until they were avenged. Does God use Seal Six to avenge their persecution and deaths? 6:17 You will need to come back to this question after you answer the questions of Chapter 18. Are there any similarities between the destruction of seal 6 and the destruction of Chapter 18? 6:12 In Seal Five, God's servants were told to wait a little while until they were avenged. Is it possible that God uses Seal Six to avenge their persecution and deaths? Chapter Seven 7:1 Read Chapter Seven. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 7:1 What is the significance of the four angels stopping the four winds from blowing on the earth? 7:1 How long might they withhold the winds from blowing? 7:2 What is the purpose of a servant? 7:2: What is the seal placed on the foreheads of God's servants? 7:3 Harm will be coming to the earth. What has happened to the earth in the first six seals? Wasn't this harm enough? 7:4 What is the significance of the seal being applied to the 144,000 of the tribes of Israel? 7:5-8 The tribe list is different from the list of Tribes of Israel mentioned in Genesis. Why is the tribe of Dan missing from the list and replaced with the Tribe of Manasseh, who was a son of Joseph? 7:9 Next, a great multitude of people from all nations, tribes, peoples and languages stand before the Lamb. Who might these be? 7:9 They are clothed with white robes. What does this mean? 7:9 They are holding palm branches. What does this mean? 7:10 Why do you think that they cried out with a loud voice? 7:10 What is this salvation that they recognize comes from God the Father and Jesus Christ? 7:11 Why did the four living creatures, the 24 elders and all of the angels fall down and worship God? 7:12 What is the meaning of this blessing for God and why did they say Amen twice? 7:13 Why did one of the elders ask John "who were these arrayed in white robes"? Why did he not just tell John who they were? 7:13 Why did he ask John where did they come from? 7:14 The elder told John that they came out of great tribulation. Are these Christians? If not, who are they? 7:14 How did they wash their robes and make them white during the Tribulation? 7:14 During Jesus' evaluation of the seven churches, did any need to wash their robes and make them white? 7:15 They will now serve God in His temple. How might they serve Him? 7:16 How did these hunger and thirst during the Tribulation? 7:16 What is the "heat" they experienced during the Tribulation? 7:17 What are the "living waters" that Jesus will lead them to? How might God wipe away the tears from their eyes? 7:17 Why does God have these faithful tested during the Tribulation? Chapter Eight 8:1 Read chapter eight. What are you first impressions of this chapter? 8:1 Jesus opens seal seven. Why was there silence in Heaven for about half an hour? 8:2 What is the purpose for a trumpet in the Bible? 8:2 Who are the seven angels that stand before God? 8:3 What was a censer used for in the Bible? 8:4 What do the prayers before God say to Him? 8:4 What is the significance of the prayers blending with the smoke of the incense? 8:5 What might the fire from the altar be? Literal or figurative? 8:5 Why did the angel throw the fire to the earth? 8:5 What were the noises, thunderings and lightnings? 8:5 How big might the earthquake be? Was it worldwide? What was its significance? 8:6-7 Trumpet One sounds. What might be the hail and fire that was thrown to the earth? 8:7 Could the grass that is burnt up include food grains, such as wheat and barley? If so, how would this effect the world? 8:7 If all field grass were burnt up, how would this effect grazing animals? 8:8 Trumpet Two sounds. What mountain do you think this is? 8:8 What sea do you think the burning mountain was thrown into? What kind of destruction might it cause? 8:8 Was this actual blood? 8:9 Describe the integrity of the sea if 1/3 of the sea creatures die. 8:10 The third trumpet sounds and a great star burning like a torch falls on the fresh water of the world. If 1/3 of the fresh waters are poisoned, what possibly happens to the inhabitants of the world and the animals? 8:10 What is this star? Is it a comet or meteor or something else? 8:11 What is the meaning of the word: "wormwood"? 8:12 The Fourth trumpet sounds. What does it mean if for 1/3 of the day the sun does not shine and 1/3 of the night the moon and stars do not shine? 8:13 What is a woe? 8:13 Who hears this mighty angel sound with a loud voice "Woe, woe woe"? 8:13 The previous four trumpets' destruction have been just awful. Can the three trumpets to follow be any worse for the people of the earth? Chapter Nine 9:1 Read chapter nine. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 9:1 The Fifth Trumpet is sounded. Where is the bottomless pit? 9:1 A key was used to open the bottomless pit? Why might it need to be locked? 9:2 What might be the smoke that escapes from the bottomless pit? 9:2 The sun and moon were darkened by this smoke. How long do you think they might be darkened? 9:3 What destruction does a locust accomplish? 9:3 What kind of power might they have been given? 9:4 By the fifth trumpet, grass is now growing. Could the trees that were destroyed by the First trumpet now be recovering? 9:4 What is the seal of God and who will receive this seal? 9:4 Who are those that do not have the seal of God? 9:5 How painful is the sting of a scorpion? You may have to read up on this. 9:5 Why does God allow this torment of those without His seal? 9:6 Why can mankind take took the mark not be able to die for five months? Could they not commit suicide? 9:7 John gives a first century description of the locusts. In terms of today, what might these "locusts" be? 9:8 The locusts had hair "like" women. What does this mean? 9:8 The locusts had teeth "like" lions. Explain this. 9:9 What is the purpose for a breastplate? How did these locusts use breastplates? 9:9 What might be the purpose for their wings? 9:9 What would chariots with many horses sound like? 9:10 What damage to mankind might the stings of the locusts inflict? 9:10 Why do you think that God choose five months for the torment of the locusts upon mankind? 9:11 The "king" of the bottomless pit was named Abaddon (Hebrew) and Apollyon (Greek). What is the meaning of his name? 9:12-13 Woe two: the Sixth trumpet is sounded. 9:13 What is the golden altar before God? 9:13 What is a "horn" representative of in the Bible? 9:13 Why did a voice come from the four horns? And why four horns? 9:14 What kind of angels are these four? 9:14 Why do you think that the four angels are bounded at the River Euphrates. Why at the Euphrates river? 9:15 Explain the significance of these angels being prepared for the year, month and hour. 9:15 One-third of mankind will be killed by these four angels. What countries of the world might those that die be from? 9:15 Up to this point, 1/4 and 1/3 of the world population have died. If the population of the world is eight billion at the beginning of the Tribulation, what will be the total number of people that die? 9:16 The number of horse men will be 200 million. What countries might these soldiers come from? 9:16 What might their horses be? 9:17 What is the purpose for the Fiery red, Hyacinth blue and Sulfur yellow breastplates? 9:18 Why are the fire, smoke and brimstone stated as "plagues"? 9:19 Explain the fire, smoke and brimstone that comes out of both the mouths and tails of these soldiers. 9:19 Explain the "tails" of these soldiers. 9:19 Explain how the tails of these soldiers are like serpents. 9:19 The serpents within the tails of these soldiers have "heads". What does this mean? 9:20-21 Knowing that the tremendous wrath of God has been demonstrated to those people that are still alive, why do you think that they do not repent of their evil works and repent of worshiping idols of gold, silver, brass, stone and wood? Chapter Ten 10:1 Read chapter ten. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 10:1 Who is this mighty angel coming down from Heaven? 10:1 What is the significance of the rainbow about His head? 10:1 Is there any other place in the Bible that mentions "rainbow"? 10:1 What is the significance of His facing shining like the sun? 10:1 What is the significance of His feet being like pillars of fire? 10:2 What was the "little" book that He held? 10:2 Why did He place His right foot on the sea and His left foot on the land? 10:3 Why does a lion roar? Why was His voice loud? 10:3 Why did seven thunders then roar? What might these thunders be? 10:4 Why did John hear what the seven thunders speak, but was told not to write down what they said? 10:4 What is your best guess to what the seven thunders said? 10:5-6 Why did the Mighty Angel sware to He who lives forever? 10:5-6 What were the things that He who sat on the throne create? 10:5-6 What events have been delayed? Why was there a delay? 10:5-6 What will happen when all events have been completed? 10:7 What is the mystery of God that will be finished after the seventh trumpet has completed its sounding? 10:7 What has been declared to His servants, the prophets? Who are the prophets He is talking about? 10:8-9-10 John takes the little book and is told to eat it. What was the sweet taste in John's mouth? What was the bitterness in John's stomach? 10:11 What is the prophesy that John must write about again? Chapter Eleven 11:1 Where is the temple that John is told to measure? 11:1 Who built this temple? 11:1 What is the purpose for this temple? 11:1 Who are those that are worshiping there? Who are they worshiping? 11:2 Why has the outer court been given to the Gentiles? What do the Gentiles do with the outer court? 11:2 Who are these Gentiles? 11:2 Where is the Holy City and how do the Gentiles tread under foot the holy city? 11:3 Who are the two witnesses and why are they clothed with sackcloth? 11:3 They will prophesy 1,260 days. What do they prophesy about? 11:4 Who is the "God of the earth"? 11:4 Why are they called "the two olive trees" and the "two lampstands" standing before the God of the earth? 11:5 Who are the enemies of these two witnesses? 11:5 Who would want to harm them? 11:5 What is this fire that comes out of their mouth and devours their enemies? 11:5 Do you think that many would try to harm them? 11:6 They stop rain from falling for the time they prophesy. How long might this be? What would then happen to the land? 11:6 What kind of plagues might they strike the earth with? Are these in addition to the destruction God sends upon the earth? 11:6 Is it possible that the plagues they predict are the catastrophies that God sends upon the earth? 11:7 Who is the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit? Why does God allow them to kill His two witnesses? 11:8 Where is the city called "Sodom and Egypt". Is this the same city as Jerusalem, where Jesus was crucified? 11:9 How will people of the world see their dead bodies lying in the streets? 11:9 Why did their bodies lie in the streets for 3 1/2 days? Why were they not allowed to be buried? 11:10 Why did the people of the world rejoice over their deaths and send each other presents and make merry? 11:11 What was the great "fear" that the people of the earth had when they saw that God resurrected them from the dead? 11:12 The two witnesses heard the voice of God saying "Come up here". Did the people of the world also hear His voice? 11:12 Do you think any repented when they saw this resurrection? 11:13 How powerful do you think the "great" earthquake in the city was? 11:13 After this earthquake killed 7,000 men, the rest were afraid and gave glory to God. Did God save them then and they became His disciples? 11:14-15 The seventh angel sounds his trumpet and the third and last woe begins. 11:15 How have the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of Jesus Christ? How long shall He rule? 11:16 Why did the 24 elders fall down and worship God? What about the four living creatures? 11:17 Why did the 24 elders give thanks to God? 11:18 Why were the nations angry and with whom were they angry? 11:18 Who are the dead and what is their judgment? 11:18 Why will God's servants, prophets and those that fear Him receive a reward? 11:18 What might this reward be? 11:18 Who destroys the earth and how does God destroy these? Chapter Twelve 12:1 Read chapter twelve. What is your first impression of this chapter? 12:1 What type of sign appears in Heaven? 12:1 Who is this woman? 12:1 How can she be clothed with the sun? Anyone else clothed with the sun? 12:1 What is the meaning of the moon under her feet? 12:1 What is the garland of 12 stars on her head? 12:2 Who is this child she is carrying? 12:3 Who is the fiery red dragon with ten horns and seven crowns on his head? 12:4 Who are the one-third of Heaven that the dragon draws from Heaven? 12:4 Why did the dragon want to devour the child of the woman? 12:5 Who is the male child the woman is to deliver? 12:5 How important is He if He will rule all nations? 12:5 Why and when was the child taken up to God, to His throne? 12:6 Where is the wilderness the woman is to flee to? 12:6 What is the significance of 1,260 days in the wilderness? How might the woman be fed? 12:7 Who is Michael? Is he mentioned anywhere else in the Bible? 12:7-8 Michael and his angels fight and defeat the dragon and his angels. The dragon's angels were evil: why were they even allowed to be in Heaven? How fierce a battle was this? 12:9 The dragon is Satan and he and his angels are cast to earth. How terrible will it then be for earth dwellers? 12:9 How does Satan deceive the whole world? 12:10 Who are the brethren in Heaven? What does Satan accuse them of Day and Night? 12:10 What is the power of Christ? How does He use it against Satan? 12:11 How did the brethren overcome Satan? What was their testimony? 12:11 How many brethren might lose their lives during the Tribulation? 12:12 How might Heaven rejoice over the victory over Satan? 12:12 What kind of woe would the earth dwellers have when Satan and his angels are cast to earth? 12:12 Satan has a short time to show his wrath to mankind. How long might this be? 12:13 Why did the dragon persecute the woman who gave birth to the male Child? 12:14 What is the great eagle that will take the woman to the wilderness? 12:14 Where might the wilderness be where God will take the woman? 12:14 The woman is nurtured by God for time, times and half a time. How long might this be? 12:15 What is the "water" that the serpent spewed from his mouth after the woman to destroy her? Is it literal water? 12:16 How might the earth open up and swallow the flood from the mouth of the serpent? Who told the earth to help the woman? 12:17 Then the dragon went to make war with her offspring. Who are these? 12:17 What commandments do her offspring keep? What is their testimony? 12:17 What kind of testimony of Jesus Christ do they have? Chapter Thirteen 13:1 Read chapter thirteen. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 13:1 Explain the beast rising out of the sea that has seven heads and ten horns. What might this be? 13:1 Explain the seven heads and ten horns. 13:1 What is the blasphemous name on the seven heads of the beast? 13:2 Explain how the beast is like a leopard and his feet like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. 13:2 How will the dragon give the beast his power? 13:3 One of the heads of the beast had received a head wound and the wound had healed. The head wound was perceived as "mortal", i.e., the man had previously "apparently" died. What does this mean? 13:3 Why would the world marvel over a near-fatal head wound? 13:4 Why would the world now worship the beast and adore him? 13:4 Why is no one like the beast? Are people attracted to him and like him and highly respect him? 13:4 Why would any country of the world not be able to make war with the beast? 13:5 How good a speaker is the beast? 13:5 What kind of great things might he speak about? 13:5 He was given the authority over what for 42 months? 13:6 What kind of blasphemy might he commit against God? 13:6 How could the beast blaspheme the name of God? 13:6 How could the beast blaspheme the tabernacle of God? Is this a building or something else? 13:6 Who are those in Heaven that the beast blasphemes against? 13:7 What kind of war might the beast make with the saints? Who are these saints? 13:7 How could the beast overcome the saints. 13:7 The beast has authority over every tribe, tongue and nation. Does this include even communist China, Cuba and North Korea? 13:8 What is the Book of Life and what is its purpose? 13:8 Who's names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life? 13:8 All people of the earth will worship the beast. What does this mean? 13:8 How was The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world? Is this since the heavens and the earth were created? 13:9 The statement "If anyone has an ear, let him hear" was given to the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3. Are any Christians left behind to endure the Tribulation? 13:10 What is the meaning of the statement "He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity"? 13:10 What is the meaning of the statement "He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword"? 13:10 What is the meaning of the statement "Here is the patience and the faith of the saints"? 13:11 Who might the beast out of the earth be? 13:11 What is the significance of the term "earth"? 13:11 What are the two horns of this person and how are they like a lamb's horns? 13:11 How might he speak like a dragon and what might he say? 13:11 Who might he speak to? 13:12 This beast exercises the authority of the first beast. What could this authority be? 13:12 Could this beast be a religious leader of some kind? 13:12 How could this beast cause the earth dwellers to worship the first beast and what might this worship be? 13:12 At this point in the Tribulation, is there a one-world religion? 13:12 What might the state of the first beast be after his deadly wound was healed? 13:13 The second beast makes fire come down from heaven. What might this fire be? 13:13 What Old Testament prophet calls down fire from heaven? 13:13 The second beast performs great signs for earth dwellers to see. What might these be? 13:14 What kind of deception could the second beast cause upon the people of the earth? 13:14 What is the "sword" the first beast was wounded by and yet lived? 13:14 What might the "image" of the first beast be? 13:15 How could the second beast make the image of the beast speak? 13:15 Those that do not worship the image shall be killed by the second beast. Do you think that there will be many people that will not worship the beast? 13:15 Would any of those killed be believers in Jesus? 13:16 Explain what the mark on the forehead or right hand might be? 13:17 How could this mark allow the bearer of the mark to buy or sell? 13:17 How could those that did not receive the mark live: to make a living or to buy say food, clothing or receive medical attention? 13:18 Explain the number: 666 in terms of today's technology. 13:18 What kind of computer and communications technology might be necessary in order to implement the 666 system for all the people, countries and businesses of the world? 13:18 Why is the 666 number also the number of a man? Is the man the first beast? Chapter Fourteen 14:1 Read chapter 14. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 14:1 Who is the Lamb standing on Mount Zion and where is this mount located? 14:1 Who are the 144,000 with the Lamb's Father's name written on their foreheads? 14:1 Are these the same as the 144,000 described in Chapter Seven? 14:1 At what point in the Tribulation do the 144,000 appear before Jesus? 14:2-3 What is the "new" song that they sing? 14:2-3 They sing this song before The Lamb, the four living creatures and the 24 elders. All three are on the earth, correct? 14:2-3 Why are the 144,000 the only ones that can learn this song? 14:4 Who are the "women" that the 144,000 are not defiled with? 14:4 Why are the 144,000 considered virgins? 14:4 How might the 144,000 follow the Lamb? 14:5 What mission might Jesus give the 144,000 to accomplish? 14:4 How are the 144,000 "firstfruits" to God and the Lamb? 14:5 How can they be without fault before the Throne of God? Don't we all have our faults? 14:6 Why does God send an angel to preach the everlasting gospel to mankind? Isn't this the mission of Christians? 14:7 This is a discipleship message the angel preaches: give glory and fear God and worship He who created everything. Why doesn't this angel also tell people to accept Jesus as Savior? 14:8 What is "Babylon"? Where is it located? 14:8 Babylon is a "city". What does this mean? 14:8 What is the fornication that Babylon makes the world drink of? Is it literal or figurative fornication, or both? 14:9-10 What is the Wrath of God that those that take the 666 mark and worship the beast will receive? 14:10 What is the fire and brimstone this person will also receive in the presence of the Lamb and His angels? 14:11 How long will these people receive this torment? Why will the Lamb allow no rest from this torment? 14:12 What is the "patience" of the saints: those that keep His commandments and have faith in Jesus? 14:13 Who are the "dead" that will die from this point in the Tribulation? How will they be blessed? 14:13 What are the labors that will follow them? 14:14 Who is this One who is like the Son of Man? 14:14 What is the white cloud He is sitting on? 14:14 Explain the golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle in His hand. 14:15 At this point is the time frame at the beginning, middle or end of the Tribulation? 14:15 Who is this angel who tells He that is like a Son of Man to reap the harvest of the earth? 14:15-16 What is this harvest? 14:17 Who is this angel and why would he also have a sharp sickle? 14:18 And another angel came from the altar: who is this angel and what might his power over fire encompass? 14:18 What are the clusters of grapes that this angel wants harvested and what does it mean that they are fully ripe? 14:19 What is the great winepress of the wrath of God? 14:20 What city is this? 14:20 Blood flowed for 1600 furlongs up to the horses' bridles. How long was this flow of blood? Chapter Fifteen 15:1 Read chapter fifteen. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 15:1 What is a sign in Heaven? 15:1 How serious might the last seven plagues be? 15:2 What is the sea of glass mingled with fire? 15:2 What was the victory over the beast and his mark and his name? 15:2 Why were they holding harps? 15:3-4 They sang the Song of Moses. What is the significance of this song and their singing of it? 15:5 What is the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Heaven? 15:5 What is the significance of its opening? 15:6 Who are the seven angels that come out of the temple? 15:6 Do you think that the seven last plagues will be the most serious wrath from God upon the earth? 15:7 Why did one of the four living creatures give to the seven angels the seven golden bowls of God's wrath? 15:8 Why did Almighty God go into His temple and fill it with smoke? Why was no one able to enter the temple until the seven bowls were emptied onto the earth? Chapter Sixteen 16:1 Read chapter sixteen. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 16:1 From the Temple God tells the seven angels to go empty their bowls of God's wrath upon the earth. What do you think that the residents of Heaven are thinking at this point? 16:2 First bowl. How serious would the sore be that breaks out on those that took the mark of the beast? Do you think any would seek treatment for this sore? 16:3 Second bowl. What is "the sea" mentioned in this verse? Is it the Mediterranean sea or all the seas and oceans of the world? 16:3 Is this a literal or figurative blood? 16:3 Every creature in the sea died. What are the results of every creature dying? 16:4 Third bowl. If every river and spring turned to blood, where would the inhabitants of the earth get fresh water to drink? 16:5-6 Why was the fresh waters turned to blood? 16:7 Why are these bowls of wrath considered righteous works of God? 16:8 Fourth bowl. What might cause the sun to give out great heat that scorches the earth? 16:8-9 Why did the people of the earth still not repent of their evil ways and continue to blaspheme the name of God? 16:10 Fifth bowl. Where is the throne of the beast? 16:10 What is the kingdom of the beast? 16:10 Why did his kingdom now become dark? Is this a literal or figurative darkness? 16:10 What is this pain and why did the inhabitants of the beast's kingdom gnaw their tongues because of this darkness? 16:11 Their sores continued to cause them pain. Why did they not repent and continue to blaspheme the God of Heaven? 16:12 Sixth bowl. Who are the kings of the east? Where are they headed? 16:12 Why did they need to cross the river Euphrates? Why did God dry up this river and help them? 16:13 What are these three unclean spirits that come out of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet? 16:14 What are the signs that they might perform? 16:14 Who are the kings of the earth? 16:14 The deception is for the kings of the earth. Does this also include the kings of the east? 16:14 What is the battle of the Great Day of God Almighty? 16:15 Jesus speaks. Whey does He say at this point near the end of the Tribulation that He is coming as a thief? 16:15 Is this a warning to Christians before the Tribulation begins that they should watch for His return and forsake their sinful ways and be disciples of Jesus? 16:15 What happens to a Christian if he ignores this warning of Jesus? 16:16 Where will the battle of Armageddon take place? 16:17 Bowl Seven. What is the meaning of the phrase: "It is done!"? 16:18 Why where there noises and thunder and lightning? 16:18 How mighty was this last great earthquake? What would happen to the ground, the oceans and the mountains? 16:19 What city is this that was divided into three parts? 16:19 Every city in the world fell. How terrifying might this be to those people that have taken the mark of the beast? 16:19 Great Babylon was remembered. Is this the political/military or the religious component of Babylon? 16:20 How would every island flee? How would every mountain fall? 16:21 How great a destruction would many great hail cause when they hit the earth? A talent's weight is 75-100 pounds. 16:21 Why did the people not repent and give God the glory? Why did they blaspheme God? Chapter Seventeen 17:1 Read chapter 17. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 17:1 Who is the great harlot? Why is this harlot called "great"? 17:1 What are the waters that the harlot sits on? 17:1 Do the events of this chapter take place before, at the beginning, at the middle or at the end of the Tribulation? 17:2 What kings of the earth commit fornication with Babylon? What is this fornication? 17:2 What are the many waters the harlot sits on? 17:2 What does sitting on the beast mean? 17:3 What is a wilderness? Where is the wilderness located? 17:3 What is the "scarlet beast" full of names of blasphemy? What is the blasphemy committed by the beast? 17:3 What are the seven heads and ten horns of this beast? 17:4 What is the significance of the harlot clothed in purple and scarlet? 17:4 What is the significance of the harlot being adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls? 17:4 What kinds of abominations are contained in the golden cup she holds? 17:4 Why does she hold a cup is filthy? Does she know that it is full of filth? What might this filth be? 17:5 Does she know that she has a name written on her forehead? 17:5 How is she the "mother" of harlots? 17:5 What are her abominations? 17:6 What is a saint? What is a martyr? 17:6 She is responsible for shedding the blood of the saints and of the martyrs of Jesus. Are these the same? 17:6 How might the harlot spill the blood of the saints and the martyrs? 17:6 Why did John marvel over the harlot with great amazement? 17:7-8 What is the "mystery" of the woman and the beast? 17:8 Where is the beast from? 17:8 What is perdition and how will the beast go into perdition? 17:8 What is meant by: the beast that was and is not and yet is. 17:8 Was the beast well known by the public for awhile? 17:8 Was the beast out of public view for awhile? What might have happened? 17:8 Why did the beast show up again in public view? 17:8 Why would the unsaved people of the world marvel at the beast's public appearance? 17:8 Will those whose names are written in the Book of Life marvel at the beast's appearance? 17:9 What is a "mountain" in scripture? 17:9 How can the seven heads be seven mountains? 17:10 There are seven kings. Explain the five that are fallen. 17:10 Explain the one that is. 17:10 Explain the one that has not yet come. 17:10 Explain when he does come, he continues for a short time. 17:11 Explain how the beast that was and is not becomes the eight king. 17:11 How is this eight king of the seven? 17:11 Explain how the eight king of the seven goes into perdition. 17:11 The ten kings do not initially have a kingdom. Are they given ten kingdoms by the beast? 17:12 What is the authority that the ten kings receive from the beast. 17:12 Explain what one hour of authority by the ten kings means. 17:12 Are there any other books of the Bible that describe a nation being destroyed in one hour? 17:13 Explain being of "one mind". 17:13 What kind of power might these ten kings briefly have? 17:13 How might they give their power and authority to the beast? 17:14 How might these ten king make war with the Lamb? How could they possibly defeat Jesus? 17:14 Explain "those that are with Him". 17:14 Explain being "chosen" and "faithful". 17:15 Explain how the beasts "sits" on peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues. 17:16 Why would the ten kings under control of the beast would hate the "harlot"? 17:16 Would this be the political or religious harlot? 17:16 How will the ten kings make the harlot desolate and naked? 17:16 How will the ten kings eat the harlot's flesh? Is this literal or figurative? 17:16 How will the ten kings burn the harlot with fire? 17:17 How and why will God place this hatred into these ten kings hearts? 17:17 How will they be of one mind to give their kingdoms to the beast? 17:18 What city is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth? Is this an actual city or a nation? Chapter Eighteen 18:1 Read chapter eighteen. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 18:1 Who might this angel be that has such great authority? 18:1 Did the unsaved and unrepentant people of the earth see the angel's glory? 18:2 Why did the great angel said that Babylon the Great is fallen twice? 18:2 Is Babylon the Great the same as Mystery Babylon? 18:2 What are foul spirits? 18:2 Explain Great Babylon being a "cage" for every unclean and hated bird? 18:3 What is the fornication of Great Babylon? 18:3 How is fornication committed with Great Babylon by the kings of the earth? 18:3 What is the "abundance" of her luxury? 18:4 The angel says "Come out of her my people". Who are these people? 18:4 How can God's people share in Babylon's sins? 18:4 If God's people share Babylon's sins, what of Babylon's plagues will they receive? 18:5 How can Babylon's sins reach to Heaven? 18:5 What are the iniquities of Babylon that God remembers? 18:6 What grief did Babylon render unto God's servants? 18:6 How can God's servants render unto Babylon double the grief Babylon rendered unto them? 18:6 What is the cup that Babylon used to render grief unto God's servants? 18:6 How can God's servants use this cup to render grief unto Babylon? 18:7 How did Babylon live "luxuriously"? 18:7 Explain why Babylon says in her heart that she sits as a queen? 18:7 Explain why Babylon would think that she will never be a widow nor see sorrow? 18:7 If Babylon thinks she will never be a widow, who is she married to? 18:7 How can God's servants give torment to Babylon in the same measure as she glorified herself and lived luxuriously? 18:7 What might this living luxuriously consist of? 18:8 How can Babylon be destroyed in one day? 18:8 What might the death, mourning and famine consist of during her destruction? 18:8 What is the fire Babylon will be burned with? 18:8 How strong is God Who judges her? 18:9 Why will the kings of the earth weep and lament for her? Are they really sorry that she will be destroyed? 18:9 How will they see the smoke of her burning? 18:10 How far away from her burning will they stand? 18:10 Why will they have fear of her torment? 18:11 Who are the merchants of the earth that now weep over Babylon? 18:11 What percentage of the luxurious merchandise that the merchants of the world produce are delivered to Babylon? 18:11 If no one buys their merchandise after Babylon is destroyed, these merchants will go under, right? 18:12-13 The merchandise of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, linen, silk, beautiful woods, ivory, bronze, and various fragrances and wine and meats and automobiles sounds like items that only a very rich country could afford, doesn't it? 18:13 Describe countries of today that are rich and that import many luxurious items? 18:13 What does it mean to purchase the souls of men? 18:13 What would Babylon do with the souls of men? 18:14 What is the fruit that the soul of Babylon longed for and is now not available because of her destruction? 18:15 Again the merchants of these goods who became rich from her now stand at a distance from her. Why do they fear her torment? 18:15 Why are they weeping and even wailing? 18:16 Why are they again mourning, saying "alas alas that great city is destroyed...."? 18:17 So, this costly merchandise is brought to Babylon on great container ship? 18:17 Name some countries that important large quantities of merchandise by container ships. 18:18 Again they cry out and mourn for this great city. Why is this mourning recorded several times in Revelation? 18:19 What are some of these countries that mourn for Babylon and sell their merchandise there? 18:20 Why does God tell Heaven and His apostles and prophets to rejoice? 18:20 God avenges His faithful by having Babylon completely destroyed in one hour. Those persecuted should be very happy, correct? 18:21 What happens to a great millstone that is thrown into the depths of the ocean? 18:22 When in the Tribulation do you think political Babylon will be destroyed: early, middle or at the end? 18:22 Explain who the musicians, craftsmen and those that work in mills are in Babylon and why they will be no more. 18:23 Why will a lamp not shine in Babylon? 18:23 Why will a bridegroom and bride not be heard in Babylon? 18:23 Explain why Babylon's merchants were the great men of the earth. 18:24 Who are the prophets in Babylon? 18:24 Who are the saints in Babylon? 18:24 Explain the blood of the saints and prophets are found in Babylon. 18:24 Explain the blood of "all" who were slain on the earth. Chapter Nineteen 19:1 Read chapter 19. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 19:1 Who are in this great multitude in Heaven that are praising God? 19:2 What is God's judgment upon Babylon and how did He avenge its shedding of the blood of His servants? 19:3 What is the smoke of Babylon and why does it rise up forever? 19:4 Why do the four living creatures and the 24 elders now praise God? Why do they say Amen and Alleluia? 19:5 Who is this voice from Heaven? Who is the command to praise God directed to? 19:6 Who is this great congregation that responds to this command to praise God? 19:6 How does Almighty God now reign? 19:7 Who is the bride of Christ? 19:7 The marriage between Christ and His bride has already taken place. When do you think that it takes place: before, the middle or the end of the Tribulation? 19:7 Look up in the Bible verses that describe the Bride of Christ. Is every Christian a member of the Bride? 19:8 Why did this verse bring up fine linen as being the righteous acts of the saints? 19:8 Why does Revelation keep bringing up righteous works of Christ's followers? 19:9 What is the marriage supper of the Lamb? Where might it take place? 19:9 Will all Christians be called to attend the marriage supper of the Lamb? Will Old Testament saints and holy angels be invited? Will those that Jesus saves during the Tribulation also attend? 19:9 Why did the voice from Heaven say "these are true sayings of God"? 19:10 Why did John fall down and worship his fellow servant? 19:10 Explain why testimony is the spirit of prophecy. 19:10 Was John's fellow servant shocked when John bowed down to him? 19:11 Who is the rider on the white horse? 19:11 Explain the rider being "faithful and true". 19:11 How does the rider make righteous judgments? 19:12 How could this rider wear "many" crowns? 19:12 Why would only He know the name prepared for Him? 19:12 Why are His eyes now like a flame of fire? 19:13 His name is "The Word of God". What does this mean? 19:13 How did blood get on His robe? Who's blood is this? 19:14 Who are the armies in Heaven? 19:14 Why do they follow Him on their own white horses? 19:15 Again, what is the sharp sword that comes out of His mouth? How does he use it to strike the nations? 19:15 What is the rod of iron? How does He use it to rule the nations? 19:15 What is the winepress of God and how does He use it to place the wrath of God on evil mankind? 19:16 Why is "King of king and Lord of lords" written on His thigh and why there? 19:17 What is the "Supper of the Great God"? What is the gathering to this Supper? 19:17 Who are the "birds" that fly in the midst of Heaven? 19:17 How and why does an angel stand in the sun? 19:18 Are these literal birds that eat the flesh of captains, mighty men, horses and their riders, the free and slave small and great? 19:18 Who are these people that the King of Kings destroys? 19:19 Who are the armies of the kings of the earth? Is this every country? 19:19 Why are they gathered together to make war against the King of kings and His army? 19:20 Who do you think wins this battle? 19:20 After sinful mankind are killed, where do they go? 19:20 The beast and the false prophet are captured. What does it mean that they were both cast alive into the lake of fire burning with fire and brimstone? 19:20 Where is this lake of fire? 19:21 How does the King of kings use the sword in His mouth to kill the rest of the armies of sinful humanity? 19:21 How many "birds" will be needed to eat the flesh of these? Where will they come from? Are they vultures? Chapter Twenty 20:1 Read chapter twenty. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 20:1 What might be this "great" chain that the angel comes from Heaven with? 20:2 How might Satan be bound with this chain? 20:2 Why was Satan bound? Why for 1,000 years? 20:3 Satan is sent to the bottomless pit. Are perhaps any other fallen angels sent there also? 20:3 Why must Satan be released after a thousand years bound in the bottomless pit? 20:4 Did those that did not take the mark of the beast and many of these died partake in this judgment? 20:4 Why do they judge from their own thrones? 20:4 Who will they judge? 20:5 This is the First Resurrection. Will there be any other types of faithful also resurrected at this time? 20:5 The rest of the dead (the sinful dead) will come alive after 1,000 years. What might be in store for them after this time? 20:6 What is the "second death"? 20:6 What kind of power might the second death have? 20:6 What kind of priestly work might they participate in? 20:6 How will they reign with Christ for 1,000 years? 20:7-8 Satan will be released after a thousand years in the bottomless pit. What will the faithful think? What will the sinful think? 20:8 What kind of deception will Satan give to the nations all over the world? 20:8 What/who is Gog and Magog? 20:8 Satan will gather the nations of the world to battle against who? 20:8 How many will be in this great Satan-led army? 20:9 What is the "camp" of the saints and the beloved city of God? Where might it be located? 20:9 What is the fire that came down from Heaven? How long do you think it will take to destroy this great army? 20:10 Satan is then cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. Would the other fallen angels also be cast there? 20:10 To this point, who has been cast into the lake of fire? 20:10 How long will they be tormented? 20:11 What is the Great White Throne? Who sits on this throne? What is His mission? 20:11 Why did both the earth and Heaven flee from this throne? Where might it be located? 20:12 Who are the dead, small and great? 20:12 They stand before God. Is this God the Father or God the Son? 20:12 They stand. Does this mean they stand in a body? If so, why? 20:12 What is the Book of Life? Find verses in the New Testament that describe this book and its purpose. 20:12 What are the other books that are opened? 20:12 The works of the dead are judged. If most of the works are evil, what kind of punishment might the person receive? 20:12 If the person has fewer evil works, who kind of punishment might the person receive? 20:12 Where did this first group of dead come from? 20:13 How do some that died stay in the sea until judgment time? 20:13 Why does Revelation mention a second time that they were judged for their works? 20:14 All are cast into the lake of fire. Will their judgment be any less than the judgment of the beast, false prophet and Satan who were cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone? Will this fire be physical pain or mental distress or both? 20:14 The lake of fire is the "second death". Will only the unsaved be cast into the lake of fire? 20:15 It is my understanding that the names of every Christian had their names written in this book from the foundation of the world. Why is the Book of Life even mentioned at the great white throne judgment? Would any of the unsaved ever have their name written in this book? ? Chapter Twenty One 21:1 Read chapter 21. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 21:1 What is the new Heaven? What happened to the old Heaven? 21:1 What is the new earth? What happened to the old earth? 21:1 In Genesis God said to Abraham that he gave the land to him and to his descendants forever. Is this a contradiction with the new earth? 21:2 Where did New Jerusalem come from? How beautiful is it? 21:3 Explain "the tabernacle of God is with men". 21:3 How shall He dwell with mankind? 21:3 How shall they be His people and He their God? 21:4 How many tears have been shed by God's people over their time on the earth? Why did He allow so many? 21:4 There shall be no more crying, pain, sorrow or death. Does this mean that all these believers will live forever in a perfect body and perfect environment? 21:4 What were the "former" things? 21:5 How does God make all things "new". 21:5 Why was John told to write down these words of truth? 21:6 What is the water of life? Who are those who thirst after this water? 21:6 Why does He state again that He is the Alpha and Omega? 21:7 "He who overcomes." Who is He speaking about? Are these the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3? 21:7 What are the "all things" that they shall inherit if they overcome? 21:7 What about those of the seven churches that do not overcome? 21:8 What is the difference about having a "part" in the lake of fire vs being cast into the lake of fire? Does this means staying in the lake of fire forever, or staying in it for a finite amount of time? 21:8 The Judgment of the great white throne has already taken place in chapter 20. Why does He now mention several sins that are committed and those that commit any of these sins will have their "part" in the lake of fire? 21:8 So having a part in the lake of fire or being cast there forever is the "second death"? 21:9 How excited do you think John was when the angel told him that he would show him the Bride of Christ? 21:10 What is this great, high mountain that the angel takes John to? Why was a mountain needed to appreciate Christ's bride? 21:10 Holy Jerusalem descends out of Heaven. Before it descended, where might it be in Heaven? 21:11 What is a jasper stone? What color? 21:11 The Holy Jerusalem has glory like the glory of God. What does this mean? 21:12 Why would this great city have 12 gates? 21:12 Why would the names of the 12 tribes of Israel be on these 12 gates? 21:13 The city apparently has four sides: N, S, E and W. With three gates on each side. Is there any significance to this? 21:14 The city has 12 foundations and on these the names of Christ's 12 apostles. Why are these names on the foundations? 21:14 Name the 12 apostles. 21:14 Paul in one of his letters said he was an apostle. In Acts, Matthias was selected to replace Judas. Are there thus 12 apostles or are there 13 apostles? 21:15 What is a gold reed and why were the walls, gates and the height, width and depth of the city to be measured with the gold reed? 21:16 The city is laid out like a square and is 12,000 furlongs on each side. In miles, how long are the sides? 21:17 The height of the wall is 144 cubits. How tall is this in feet? 21:18 The wall is made of jasper. What is this jewel? 21:18 The city is made of gold, like clear glass. What does this mean? Gold can be yellow in color and pink in color. 21:19-20 The foundation of the city are made of 12 types of precious stones: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonys, sardis, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth and amethyst. What is the significance of these stones? 21:21 What is the significance of each of the 12 gates being one pearl? 21:21 Why is an angel stationed at each gate? 21:21 Each street is made of gold like transparent glass. How beautiful is this city? 21:22 Why is there no physical temple in this great city? Jesus and God the Father are now the temple. What does this mean? 21:23 The city had no need of the sun or moon to shine on it. Does this now mean that the earth will have no need for the sun and moon? 21:23 How does the glory of God illuminate the city? How does Jesus be its light? 21:24 How shall the saved nations of the world walk in its light? 21:24 How shall the kings of the earth bring their glory into this great city? 21:25 Why are its gates open 24 hours a day because there is no night there? 21:26 What is the glory and honor of the nations be brought into it? 21:26 Will earth inhabitants be allowed to visit this great city? 21:27 Why does it mention now that only those who's names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life can enter it? 21:27 Are there any verses that state that a person's name can be blotted out of the Book of Life? 21:27 Who are those that defiles, or causes an abomination, or lies? Chapter Twenty Two 22:1 Read chapter 22. What are your first impressions of this chapter? 22:1 What is the pure river of the water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb? 22:2 The tree of life grows in the middle of the street in Heaven and on each side of the river flowing from God. Is this the same tree as the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden? 22:2 The tree bears 12 fruits, and yields its fruits every month. Who gets to eat this fruit? 22:2 How can the leaves be used to heal the nations? What does the healing work? 22:3 The curse is no more. What was cursed by God in Genesis? How will this effect the people living on the earth? Will this have any effect on those living in Heaven? 22:3 How will God's servants serve Him? 22:4 Has any human seen the face of God up until now? What does it mean to see the face of God? 22:4 What does having God's name on their foreheads? 22:5 Why will there be no night in New Jerusalem? Will residents ever get tired and need to sleep? 22:5 How will the servants of God reign? 22:6 Who is this angel of God? 22:6 Why does the angel say that his words are true and faithful? 22:7 When Jesus says He is coming quickly, it's not during the time of the first century when John wrote the book of Revelation, is it? If this is so, what does His coming quickly refer to? 22:7 There are blessings for those who keep the words of the Book of Revelation. What might these be? 22:7 What if you read, but do not keep the words of this book? 22:8-9 John fell again to worship at the feet of this angel and was told not to worship him, but to only worship God. How glorious was this angel? 22:9 He is a fellow servant of John and a fellow servant of the prophets. Who is a prophet and what is his mission? 22:10 Why would anyone want to seal the words of the prophecy of Revelation? Are any individuals or churches now sealing the words of the book of Revelation? 22:11 Who is the unjust or filthy individual? Why should he continue to be this way? Is he talking to a Christian? 22:11 Who is the righteous or holy individual? Is this individual a Christian? 22:12 Jesus restates that He is coming quickly. Why does He say this a second time at the end of the book? 22:12 Jesus returns and He has a reward. What might this reward be for the overcomers? What about those that don't overcome? 22:13 Why does Jesus say again that He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end and the first and the last? 22:14 Those that obey His commandments are blessed and will have the right to the Tree of Life. What about those that do not obey His commandments? 22:14 If those that do not obey cannot enter the City through the gates, is there another way to enter the great city? 22:15 Who are the dogs, sorcerers, the sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters and liars? Could these also be Christian? 22:15 Those mentioned will be outside the great City. Where might this be? 22:16 Jesus states that He is the "Root and Offspring of David". What does this mean? 22:16 Jesus also states that He is the "Bright and Morning Star". What does this mean? 22:17 Why did the Spirit and the Bride say: "come"? 22:17 Why should anyone that hears this beckoning for Jesus' return also say "come"? 22:17 Explain who might thirst of the Water of Life. 22:17 Explain how much the Water of Life costs and what will it do for the individual who "drinks" it. 22:18 Who would want to add to the words of the prophecy of the Book of Revelation? 22:18 What might be the plagues that God would add to this person? 22:19 Who would want to take away from the words of the prophecy of the Book of Revelation? 22:19 What might be this person's part be taken from the Book of Life? 22:19 Does this say that if a person first has his name in the Book of Life that his name could be removed by taking words of prophecy from the Book of Revelation? 22:19 This person shall also be taken from the Holy City. What does this mean? 22:19 What are the things in the Book of Revelation will be taken from this person? 22:20 Jesus says in His final words of the Book of Revelation: "Surely I am coming quickly". What does this mean? 22:21 What is the "grace" of the Lord Jesus Christ that John says will be given to all readers of the Book of Revelation? **** Why do you think that God made Revelation such a difficult Book to understand? **** What did you learn about the Book of Revelation? Did this study inspire you to do anything or change anything? |