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Are Rewards Important? Eric Summers
The idea of God rewarding us for faithful service has come up several times during our weekly home Bible study. This idea has been in my mind for some time, so The Lord has touched me via the Holy Spirit to discuss rewards in a website article. Here are some thoughts about rewards that came about by reading the Holy Bible and by praying to our Heavenly Father for guidance and understanding. I don't recall a sermon from the pulpit where the pastor discussed rewards for faithful service to God or had the idea discussed in our Sunday school materials. I had even heard in a recent Church Bible study of the Book of Galatians that several members of the class even downgraded the idea of rewards for faithful service to God. They didn't want to hear about any verses from the Holy Bible that discussed rewards even though I opened up the Bible and was willing to read to them several verses that discussed rewards. In a recent gospel music concert, one of the singers even sang a song with the words "I don't care about rewards". Several members of the audience were nodding their heads "yes." Apparently they also believed that rewards have no value to them.
What's really important is: Does God attach any
importance to rewards? The Lord always
provides answers to our questions, if we earnestly seek
the answers from Him, so I looked through my Strong's
Concordance for the words reward,
rewarded, rewards, rewarder,
and rewarders, and came up
with many Bible verses that discuss the subject for
positive rewards for any good works and negative
rewards for any evil works. I found over 100 verses
in both the Old and New Testaments and I suggest
that you look them up in your Bible after you finish
reading this article. I'll discuss specific
cases for positive rewards for the faithful and
specific cases for negative rewards for the
unfaithful. Let's first define reward,
taken from the Free Dictionary: Verb: I'll use the noun definition:
Something given or received in recompense for worthy
behavior or in retribution for evil acts. Questions about
Rewards I will
attempt to provide in this article the answers to
the following questions:
I will answer these above
questions in this article and will draw the answers
from the Holy Bible, not from tradition.
If we can agree that its
what's in the Holy Bible that is important
regarding rewards, then let's analyze scripture.
I'll use several verses from both Old and New
Testaments and try to explain to you what I think
they mean. In this article, scripture is taken
from the American Standard Version (ASV) 1901
version of the Holy Bible. Types of works Are good works
important? Didn't Isaiah in verse 64:6 say
that our works were as filthy rags to God? The verse is Isaiah 64:6: For
we are all become as one that is unclean, and all
our righteousnesses are as a polluted garment: and
we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like
the wind, take us away. If our works are
done for our own personal glory (our righteousnesses), then yes,
our works are as filthy rags in the sight of God and
we will receive no reward for these works. However,
note the following verse, Ephesians 2:10: For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus for good works, which God
afore prepared that we should walk in them. Paul
says that good works accomplished through us by the
power of the Holy Spirit are expected. These
works are planned in advance by God and should be
accomplished for the glory of God and not for our
glory. We will receive a reward for any good
works that we accomplish when following the Holy
Spirit's direction. Old
Testament Abraham Let's begin examining
verses about rewards in the Old Testament, starting
with: Genesis 15:1 After these things the
word of Jehovah came unto Abram in a vision,
saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, [and]
thy exceeding great reward. Abraham
and his men had several days earlier
rescued his nephew I
believe that a close walk with God is the reward
that faithful Old Testament saints and faithful
Christians of the Church Age will also
experience. In the Book of Revelation, chapter
four, I believe
that the Four Living Creatures that share Christ's
throne are the Bride of Christ and will have a
somewhat deeper relation with Him than the 24 Elders
that are sitting on their own thrones around His
grand throne. The Elders will experience a
deeper relation with Christ than the faithful Main
Harvest Christians that are a little further away
from His throne. Further away from Christ's
throne are those Christians that have some good and
some evil works. The unfaithful Christians of
the Church Age, those that have few good works and
many evil works, will be even further away from His
throne and will still experience a wonderful
relationship with Him, but it will not be as close
as the relationship as the Bride of Christ and the
twenty four Elders will have. I believe that
the more faithful you are Jesus will want you closer
to Him. King
David Psalms 18:20 Jehovah hath
according to my righteousness; According to the
cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.
This must be a very important verse, since it is
recorded twice in the Old Testament.
David walked very close to God and because of this
relationship David was inspired by God to live a
righteous life for Him. We find out that in 2
Sam 22:23 that David obeyed all of God's
commandments and in 2 Sam 22:24 David resisted doing
evil deeds. We know that David did falter in
his faith because of his adultery with Bathsheba and
then allowed her
husband, Urriah, to be
purposely slaughtered during a battle.
However, in Psalm 51 David humbled himself, and
admitted his sin and God forgave him and restored
him to fellowship. David's righteousness is
his love for God and his delight in his daily walk
with The Lord. He was also cleansed daily by
admitting his shortcomings in prayers to The Lord
and are recorded in the
Psalms (Psalm 51). After reading some of these
prayers, is anyone closer to God than David in the
Old Testament? King
Asa 2 Chronicles 15:7 But be ye strong, and let
not your hands be slack; for your work shall be rewarded.
King Asa had been given
the victory in battle over the Ethiopians by God and
was told this by Obed
the prophet. King Asa
destroyed many idols in the land and Jehovah blessed
him for his faithfulness. Asa
did not just sit back and enjoy the privileges that
as king he would have; he instead stepped up to the
plate and worked for The Lord by battling and
defeating one of
Ruth lovingly followed her mother-in-law back to Esau
Esau was Isaac's favorite son because he hunted wild
animals and brought his father meat that he enjoyed
eating very much. Esau was also the first born
(by a few minutes) and was in line to be the
patriarch of the family. He would enjoy a
double portion of the inheritance from his father,
Isaac. Esau would also enjoy leading his clan
and to receive glory and honor from the other
members of the extended family.
Think on this: if Esau had not forfeited the
blessing from his father to his brother Jacob, then
the Old Testament would be talking about the twelve
tribes of Esau instead of the twelve tribes of
Here is how God feels about Esau: Esau
despised his inheritance and now God despises
him. We can learn from Esau's mistake.
If God wants to give us an inheritance of some kind,
then we should joyfully want to receive the
inheritance. In Esau's case it was to be lord
over his father's cattle, servants and riches.
Even more, he was to be remembered and honored by
his descendants. Unfortunately for him, his
attitude towards his inheritance will be remembered
always because his rejection of the inheritance is
recorded forever in the holy
scripture. Here is the verse: Malachi 1:3 but Esau I
hated, and made his mountains a desolation, and [gave]
his heritage to the jackals of the wilderness. Esau's
rejection is also recorded in the New Testament: Hebrews 12:16 lest [there
be] any fornication, or profane person, as Esau,
who for one mess of meat sold his own
birthright. Hebrews 12:17 For ye know that even
when he afterward desired to inherit the
blessing, he was rejected; for he found no place
for a change of mind [in his father,] though he
sought is diligently with tears. Since
the Old Testament lessons are also for us as
Christians, we need to learn something from Esau's
failure: we also need to think highly of the
rewards God would like to give us. If we don't
want to receive rewards from God and because good
rewards are possible only if we live a righteous
life and accomplish good works for the glory of God, then we show that we
don't think much of the rewards God wants to give
us. This is also despising our inheritance
and it has eternal consequences for us in the Keeping
the Commandments Psalms 19:11 Moreover by
them (the Ten Commandments) is thy servant
warned: In keeping them there is great reward. To God, keeping all of His commandments is very important. For Christians this is keeping the Ten Commandments and the two great love commandments: loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as our self. We should also keep all of the words spoken by Jesus in the New Testament. Note what Jesus said about keeping His commandments--those things He told us to accomplish while He walked this planet earth and are detailed in the Gospels: John 14:15 If you love me,
you will keep my commandments. New Testament Rewards are mentioned several times in the New Testament. Matthew 5:12 Rejoice, and
be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so
persecuted they the prophets that were before
you. Those
Christians that are persecuted for Christ's sake
will receive a great reward from God when they go to
Heaven. This persecution has happened during
the entire 2,000 year
Church Age and is happening in the world
today. In the Peter Matthew 19:27-29 Then
answered Peter and said unto him, Lo, we have
left all, and followed thee; what then shall we
have? And
Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you,
that ye who have followed me, in the
regeneration when the Son of man shall sit on
the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Peter and the other apostles had left everything including their families, their lands, their boats and whatever else they had to follow Jesus and be His disciples. Note that Jesus did not reprimand Peter for asking Him about the rewards that they would receive. Jesus was very glad to prepare rewards for His most faithful and to let them know that they would receive a great more in rewards than they had given up for service to God. They would also inherit eternal life because they are judged by Jesus as being mature sons in the faith. Here is Paul's definition of Eternal Life: Romans
2:1 Wherefore thou art
without excuse, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou
judges another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest dost practise the same things. Romans
2:2 And we know that
the judgment of God is according to truth against them that practise such things. Romans 2:3 And reckonest thou this, O man, who judgest them that practise such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Romans
2:4 Or despisest thou
the riches of his goodness and forbearance and
longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of
God leadeth thee to repentance? Romans
2:5 but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up for thyself wrath in the day
of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Romans
2:6 who will render to every man according to his
works: Romans 2:7 to them that by
patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and incorruption,
eternal life: Romans
2:8 but unto them that are factious, and obey not
the truth, but
obey unrighteousness, [shall be] wrath and
indignation, Romans
2:9 tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of
man that worketh evil, of the Jew first, and
also of the Greek; Romans
2:10 but glory and honor and peace to every man
that worketh good,
to the Jew first, and also to the Greek: Romans 2:11 for there is no respect of
persons with God. Note that there are consequences for not having good works (V2:8): there would be tribulation (3 1/2 years of persecution by Antichrist) for those Christians of the last days that are not faithful to Jesus--those that have committed mainly evil works during their stay on the earth. Paul is addressing Christians during this passage of scripture and not the unsaved. The
most faithful receive the highest awards The highest award.
In Revelation, chapter 4, the Four Living Creatures,
the Bride of Christ, will have the highest award,
because they will be sharing the grand throne of
Christ in Heaven and will reign and rule
with Him in the Millennial
Kingdom and in Eternity. So, this has to be the greatest award
that Jesus will give to us. They have many
eyes that represent their insight into the mind of
God; somehow the
mind of Christ will be intimately connected to the
minds of His Bride and they will be able to know
intimately the thoughts and plans of God and to be
able to understand things that only God Himself can
understand. For example, this could include
why He elects some humans for salvation and does not
elect others (Doctrine
of Election); how He designed and created the
Universe and the Earth; and His plans for
Eternity. God will permit them to co-plan with
Christ any actions or adventures that residents of
Heaven and of Earth will experience in the
future. Since we will have the mind of Christ,
any decisions we make will be perfect and in
complete accord with any of God's plans for
believers in heaven and those dwelling on the earth
in the The four living creatures will be the worship leaders in Heaven and on the Earth (Revelation chapter four). God will not ever have to tell anyone the time or place to worship Him; they will somehow know and give the adoration, love, praise and worship, and songs and music to God that He deserves whenever they think appropriate. This will be the most lofty mission that the Bride of Christ will have. This will be a reward for their faithful service to Him during the Church Age. The next highest award. The 24 Elders sitting on their own thrones in the Book of Revelation will be the next closest to Christ in Heaven. Their thrones will encircle Christ's grand throne and they will experience a very intimate connection to Him. They will assist the Bride of Christ whenever they determine that God should be praised. The elders will carry out any commands that Christ has given. The elders will assist the Bride of Christ and Jesus when they rule over all the kingdoms of the earth. Questions
answered Q. Does God ascribe any importance to rewards? Yes He does. Just read the "rewards" verses identified in any concordance of the Bible. Q. Should rewards be important to the Christian? Yes they should. Wouldn't you rather receive good rewards because you are faithful rather than condemnation for your evil works? Q. If rewards are important what must I do to earn rewards? You need to be faithful. To learn what faith is you need to read ALL verses in the Holy Bible. Q. Are there any negative rewards? What will happen to me if I don't think that awards are important? If your works are mainly evil, you will receive condemnation from Jesus at judgment time. Just re-read the section on Esau when he thought lightly of receiving the reward as the firstborn of Isaac. You will see that you will be disinherited of a high position in the Kingdom if you despise rewards from Jesus. Q. Since rewards are discussed in many verses in the Holy Bible, why do so few Christians think that rewards have any importance? In sermons and in Sunday School materials rewards either positive or negative are almost never discussed, hence the average church member that only reads these materials will not even know that rewards are discussed in-depth in the Holy Bible. You have to read ALL verses to see that rewards from God are indeed important to Him and should be to us. Memories
of worldly achievements will vanish Good
deeds will be remembered forever Only those efforts that God deems worthy will remain--and they will remain forever. You may have been persecuted as a believer in Christ, but remain faithful to God. You participate in local and contribute to foreign mission work. You pray for others and yourself. You have fellowship with God by praying to and praising Him. You help other believers in Christ to walk closer to Him. You say no when tempted to do an evil deed. You have humility--you recognize that you sometimes fail God and are sorry for any evil deeds you may do and are sorry for any righteous works you should have accomplished but did not. You are watching and praying for Jesus' return for the Rapture. You are reading the Bible, even daily and applying the verses to the way you live your life. These are some of the righteous works that God will remember that you accomplish by allowing the Holy Spirit to rule in your life--they will last forever.
The Final Word from Jesus In
Revelation 22:12 Jesus tells us: Behold, I come quickly;
and my reward is with me, to render to
each man according as his work is.
The idea of good rewards for the faithful and bad
rewards for the unfaithful is one of the last
thoughts in the New Testament so we should
enthusiastically want to receive these good rewards
from Jesus if He wants to bring them to us. We
should also be very nervous to know that if we are
unfaithful and have few good works to show Him
during our life on this planet that He will bring
condemnation and we will be embarrassed
at His appearing. |